Thursday, January 22, 2009

Book read: Flow - The Psychology of Optimal Experience

This book is about an interesting concept called flow researched by the author which we unconsciously experience every time we are deeply involved in a task enough to forget ourselves. For those few moments we forget our ego and everything around us. This sort of an experience leaves us with a deep sense of joy and satisfaction unlike anything that can be experienced with materialistic things.

What I liked about the book is it got me thinking about my routine of things and how seldom I have experienced it. I think the few instances have been when I am coding a difficult piece of code, solving a sudoko puzzle, solving a math problem or when playing board games like taboo and pictionary. I am really glad I read it. Now I will try and incorporate more activities in my lifestyle that will make me experience it.

I would definitely recommend it to anyone who takes the occasional time off to ponder on life and wants to have a better living. I must admit it wasnt' exactly a cant put the book down sort of read for me, maybe because I am picking up a book after a long break. But without too much expectations its a good book to read.

Another attempt

So I haven't exactly stuck to my resolve to write more often. Oooo what a shocker :P I seem to be more worried about what others would think of me when they read this. More than anything else I disappoint myself in the process really. Even as I type this I re-read to ensure it looks ok. I dont know if its just me or everyone does that. I am sure they arent as paranoid as me anyway.

Alright so the point of this post.. I have finally got the time and right resources to catch up on all the reading I have missed out on over the past 10 years or so. Yeah I was full on from Enid Blyton till the Sydney Sheldon days and then I lost it except for the occasional book or two an year. Its time to get back now and I am going to start slow with a mixture of suggestions from friends and the most popular ones, the must reads. I will use this blog to keep track of the books I have read. So stay tuned..